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Heartache? Modern Love!

Well, I have wasted my best years in staying true and loyal to toxic men. At age 18, I was dating…Sorry strike that. I was involved with a man, who was in it for the sloppy parking lot kisses and the regular dating jazz. At 19, I was in a ‘relationship’ with a boy who every two weeks, thought that ‘he deserved better’. ( I went on to date him for 3+ years ). At 23, I dated a man who believed in ‘compartmentalizing’ life. To simplify, dating for him, meant going out every night to get blackout drunk. That and...yes, just that! Everything else was pushed into the other compartment of his life that I was not a part of. So when I turned 24, I had reason to believe that I had matured, that all that relevant experience had gotten the better of me and now I was ready to stop scrutinizing every decision I made. It was at that time when I had my ultimate MEET CUTE. I started crushing over this young guy (I refuse to say where from, cause the wounds are still fresh and all that bullcrap) and...

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